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Rising sun

Rising sun

Auteur(s)Erdenebaatar, Shuteen ;Mangold, Anton ;Renner, Valentin ;Kugelmann, Nils

Titre(s)Rising sun / Shuteen Erdenebaatar.

Editeur(s)Motéma Music, 2023.

ContientIn a time warp. - Ups and downs. - Summer haze. - Olden days. - An answer from the distant hill. - Rising sun. - Saudade. - I'm glad I got to know you.

NotesJazz Magazine No.766 p.68 du 01/12/2023. 4/4.

Sujet(s)Cool (jazz) Be-bop et filiations


Lien : https://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/202307/0181212004151_thumb.jpg

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CDPrêtéMGA032120002144351 ERD 90


Source : Wikipédia
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  • In a time warp
  • Ups and downs
  • Summer haze
  • Olden days
  • An answer from the distant hill


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