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Complete quintet sessions 1954-1956

Auteur(s)Rogers, Shorty ;Giuffre, Jimmy ;Jolly, Pete ;Counce, Curtis ;Manne, Shelly (1920-1984)

Titre(s)Complete quintet sessions 1954-1956 / Shorty Rogers and his giants.

Editeur(s)Fresh sound records, P 2006.

ContientCD 1 : Joycycle. - the lady is a tramp. - the goof and I. - my little suede shoes. - isn't it romantic. - not really the blues. - Martians go home. - my heart stodd still. - loaded. - oh play that thing. - Bill. - CD 2 : 12th street rag. - the lady in red. - trickdidlier. - solarization. - that' what I'm talkin' bout. - Michele's meditation. - barbaro. - planetarium. - martians come back. - march of the martians. - papouche. - martians stay home. - CD 3 : Peals. - lotus Bud. - easy. - amber leaves. - Hurricane Carol. - breezin' along in the trades. - marroned in a monsoon. - the chinook that melted my heart. - prevailing on the westerlies.

Sujet(s)Saxophone : Jazz : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325154650071Musique1 ROG


Source : Wikipédia
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