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Le Blues vol.2 :Jazz panorama [Anthologie]

Auteur(s)Panassié, Hugues ;Terry, Sonny ;Mc Clennan, Tommy ;Bill, Casey ;Temple, Johnny ;Alexander, Texas ;Estes, Sleepy John ;Williamson, Sonny Boy ;Blue Chips ;Fuller, Blind Boy ;Slim, Bumble bee

Titre(s)Le Blues vol.2 :Jazz panorama [Anthologie] / Présenté par Hugues Panassié.

Editeur(s)Villefranche de Rouergue : Discothèque municipale, P 1993?.

Collection(s)(Collection Hugues Panassié. jazz panorama).

ContientI'm going don't you know ; whiskey head woman / Tommy Mc Clennan. - Casey blues /casey Bill. - Bantam rooster blues ; penitentiary Moan blues. - easy rider blues / Texas Alexander. - Suger bowl blues /Johny Temple. - Meetme at the landing /Bumble Bee slim. - Step it up and go ; Thousand woman blues /Blind Boy Fuller. - Chirping the rock of the blues /Blue Chip. - Harmonica and washboard blues / Sonny Terry. - Good for nothin'blues ; I been dealin' with the devil; down south /Sonny boy Williamson. - Working man blues ; mail man blues ; time is drawing near /Sleepy John Estes.

Sujet(s)Blues : Soul : Phonogramme


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