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Hubert Fol and His Be-bop Minstrels

Auteur(s)Fol, Hubert ;Collin, Dick ;Villers, Michel de ;Persiani, André ;Urtreger, René ;Distel, Sacha ;Michelot, Pierre ;Clarke, Kenny ;Peck, Nat ;Fol, Raymond ;Jeffreys, Alan

Titre(s)Hubert Fol and His Be-bop Minstrels / Hubert Fol.

Editeur(s)Fresh Sound Records, 2018.

ContientNight in Tunisia. - Lubie Loo. - Swinging at Lutecia. - Making be-bop. - I've got be-bop. - Hard to get. - Ralph goes. - All the things you are. - Boppin' and oilskin. - Lover come back to me. - Now, cut out. - Lover man. - Indiana. - Love in the sun. - Iambic pentameter (Epistrophy). - Assy pan assy. - Robbin's nest. - Blues 1950. - Everything happens to me. - This Fol-ish thing. - These foolish things. - Out of nowhere. - Lonely moments. - Death of the octopus. - Ivory black, part 1. - Ivory black, part 2. - Half Nelson. - I'll remember april. - Yardbird suite. - A fine romance. - They can't take that away from me. - You go to my head. - Always. - Hallelujah. - I only have eyes for you. - I want to be happy. - Whispering.


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CDEn rayonMGA50213611 FOL 40


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