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The Rough guide to holy blues

Auteur(s)Reverend Gary Davis ;White, Josh ;Blind Willie Johnson ;White, Bukka ;James, Skip ;Blind Roosevelt Graves ;Blind Willie McTell ;McTell, Kate ;Mississippi John Hurt ;Blind Joe Taggart ;Blind Lemon Jefferson ;Rev. Edward W. Clayborn ;Bull City Red ;Lee, Bertha ;Blind Boy Fuller ;Blind Mamie Forehand ;Barbecue Bob ;Lil McClintock ;Collins, Sam ;Phillips, Washington ;Blind Willie Davis ;Mother McCollum ;Coleman, Jaybird ;Blind Gussie Nesbit ;Washington, Louis ;Patton, Charley

Titre(s)The Rough guide to holy blues : reborn and remastered / Reverend Gary Davis.

Editeur(s)World Music Network, 2017.

ContientThe angels message to me / Reverend Gary Davis. - Lord I just can't keep from crying / Blind Willie Johnson. - I am in the heavenly way / Bukka White. - Jesus is a mighty good leader / Skip James. - Woke up this morning (With on mind on Jesus) / Blind Roosevelt Graves. - God don't like it / Kate McTell / Blind Willie McTell. - Blessed be the name / Mississippi John Hurt. - God's gonna separate the wheat from the tares / Blind Joe Taggart. - He arose from the dead / Blind Lemon Jefferson. - This time another year you may be gone / Rev. Edward W. Clayborn. - I saw the light / Bull City Red. - Oh death / Bertha Lee / Charley Patton. - Jesus gonna make up my dying bed / Josh White. - Honey in the rock / Blind Mamie Forehand. - Jesus' blood can make me whole / Barbecue Bob. - I believe I'll go back home / Blind Willie Davis. - You can't hide / Mother McCollum. - I'm gonna cross the river Jordan - Some o' these days / Jaybird Coleman. - Pure religion / Blind Gussie Nesbit. - Run sinner run / Louis Washington. - Precious Lord / Blind Boy Fuller. - Lord I'm the true vine / Eddie Head And His Family. - Sow good seeds / Lil McClintock. - I want to be like Jesus in my heart / Sam Collins. - Denomination blues parts 1 & 2 / Washington Phillips.

RésuméCompilation remastérisée, blues entre 1927 et 1940.

Indice(s)110 ANT

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