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The Tarantino experience

Auteur(s)Tarantino, Quentin (1963-...) ;Sinatra, Nancy ;Urge Overkill ;Ladybug Transistor ;The Hurricanes ;Davies, Geater ;Cocker, Joe (1944-2014) ;Hawkins, Screamin' Jay ;The Surf Coronados ;Spears, Billie Jo ;Farlowe, Chris ;Screamin' Lord Such ;Eddy, Duane ;Dick Dale & His Del-Tones ;The Fendermen ;Yost, Dennis ;Classic IV ;The Meters ;Pickett, Wilson ;1910 Fruitgum Co ;Lobo ;The Grass Roots ;John Fred & his Playboy Band ;Tempo, Nino ;Stevens, April ;Richard Twang & his Cadillacs ;Cash, Johnny

Titre(s)The Tarantino experience : Music from and inspired by his films / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Music Brokers, 2008.

ContientCD 1 : Nancy Sinatra / Bang bang (My baby shot me down). - Urge Overkill / Girl, you'll be a woman soon. - Ladybug Transistor / Always on the telephone. - The Hurricanes / Out of limits. - Geater Davies / Sad shades of blue. - Joe Cocker / Woman to woman. - Screamin' Jay Hawkins / I put a spell on you. - The Surf Coronados / Pipeline. - Billie Jo Spears / Fever. - Chris Farlowe / Paint it black. - Screamin' Lord Such / Murder in the graveyard. - Duane Eddy / Rebel rouser. - CD 2 : Dick Dale & The Del-Tones / Misirlou. - Fendermen / Ghost Riders In The Sky. - Dennis Yost & Classic IV / Spooky. - The Meters / Look-ka-py-py. - Wilson Pickett / Something you got. - 1910 Fruitgum Co. / Indian giver. - Lobo / me and you and a dog named Boo. - The Grass Roots / Midnight confessions. - John Fred & his Playboy Band / Judy in disguise. - Nino Tempo & April Stevens / Deep purple. - Richard Twang & his Cadillacs / Apache. - Johnny Cash / I walk the line.


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