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Wattstax : music from The Wattstax Festival and film

Auteur(s)Warren, Dale ;The Wattstax '72 Orchestra ;Reverend Jesse Jackson ;Weston, Kim ;The Staple Singers ;Manning, Deborah ;McCord, Louise ;Sain, Lee ;Little Sonny ;Bell, William ;The Temprees ;Knight, Frederick ;The Newcomers ;Floyd, Eddie ;The Emotions ;The Golden 13 ;The Rance Allen Group ;The Bar-Kays ;The David Porter Show ;Porter, David ;Pryor, Richard ;Little Milton (1934 - 2005) (chant, guitare) ;Mel & Tim ;Taylor, Johnnie ;King, Albert ;Thomas, Carla ;Thomas, Rufus ;The Soul Children ;Hayes, Isaac ;Stuart, Mel

Titre(s)Wattstax : music from The Wattstax Festival and film / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Concord Music Group, 1972.

ContientCD 1 : Salvation symphony / Warren Dale / The Wattstax '72 Orchestra. - Introduction / Reverend Jesse Jackson. - Lift every voice and sing / Weston Kim. - Heavy makes you happy (Sha-na-boom-boom) / The Staple Singers. - Are you sure / The Staple Singers. - I like the things about me / The Staple Singers. - Respect yourself / The Staple Singers. - I'll take you there / The Staple Singers. - Precious Lord, take my hand / Manning Deborah. - Better get a move on / McCord Louise. - Them hot pants / Sain Lee. - Wade in the water / Little Sonny. - I forgot to be your lover / Bell William. - Explain it to her mama / The Temprees. - I've been lonely (For so long) / Knight Frederick. - Pin the tail on the donkey / The Newcomers. - Knock on wood / Floyd Eddie. - CD 2 : Peace be still / The Emotions. - Old time religion / The Golden 13. - Lying on the truth / The Rance Allen Group. - Up above my head / The Rance Allen Group. - Son of Shaft / Feel it / The Bar-Kays. - In the hole / The Bar-Kays. - I can't turn you loose / The Bar-Kays. - Introduction / The David Porter Show / Porter David. - Ain't that loving you (For more reasons than one) / Porter David. - Can't see you when I want to / Porter David. - Reach out and touch (Somebody's hand) / Porter David. - Niggas / Pryor Richard. - Arrest / Lineup / Pryor Richard. - So I can love you / The Emotions. - Group introduction / Show me how / The Emotions. - CD 3 : Open the door to your heart / Little Milton. - Backfield in motion / Mel & Tim. - Steal away / Taylor Johnnie. - Killing floor / King Albert. - Pick up the pieces / Thomas Carla. - I like what you're doing (to me) / Thomas Carla. - B-A-B-Y / Thomas Carla. - Gee whiz (Look at his eyes) / Thomas Carla. - I have a god who loves / Thomas Carla. - The breakdown / Thomas Rufus. - Do the funky chicken / Thomas Rufus. - Do the funky penguin / Thomas Carla. - I don't know what this world is coming to / The Soul Children. - Hearsay / The Soul Children. - Theme from "Shaft" / Hayes Isaac.

Sujet(s)Funk (musique)

Indice(s)2.93 ; 2.94 ; 520

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