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Reprise ! When jazz meets pop volume 2

Auteur(s)Anka, Paul ;Cullum, Jamie ;Zulfikarpasic, Bojan ;Phillips, Esther ;Scofield, John ;Threadgill, Pyeng ;Comelade, Pascal ;Bel Canto Orquestra ;Pink Turtle ;Wilson, Cassandra ;Evans, Bill (1929-1980) (Pianos) ;Bill Evans Trio ;Charlie Hunter Quartet ;Hunter, Charlie ;Jones, Norah (1979-...) ;Artero, Patrick ;Tortiller, Franck ;Orchestre National de Jazz ;Basie, Count ;Henderson, Bill ;Graillier, Michel ;Scott, Jimmy

Titre(s)Reprise ! When jazz meets pop volume 2 / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Nova records, 2006.

ContientSmells like teen spirit [Nirvana] / Paul Anka. - Get your way [Lee Dorsey] / Jamie Cullum. - Ashes to ashes [David Bowie] / Bojan Z. - And I love him [The Beatles] / Esther Phillips. - Unchain my heart [Ray Charles] / John Scofield. - Close to me [The Cure] / Pyeng Threagill. - All tomorrow's parties [Velvet Underground] / Pascal Comelade / Bel Canto Orquestra. - How deep is your love [Bee Gees] / Pink Turtle. - Fragile [Sting] / Cassandra Wilson. - Theme from M.A.S.H (Suicide is painless) [Mike Altman and Johnny Mandel] / Bill Evans Trio. - More than this [Roxy Music] / Charlie Hunter Quartet / Norah Jones. - Vesoul [Jacques Brel] / Patrick Artero. - The rain song [Led Zeppelin] / Franck Tortiller / Orchestre National de Jazz. - Yesterday [The Beatles] / Count Basie / Bill Henderson. - All in love is fair [Stevie Wonder] / Michel Graillier. - Sorry seems to be the hardest word [Elton John] / Jimmy Scott.


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