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King Jammy in roots

Auteur(s)King Jammy ;Osbourne, Johnny ;The Fantails ;Castell, Lacksley ;Mundell, Hugh ;Pablo, Augustus ;Rose, Michael ;Reid, Junior ;Phillips, Noel ;Brown, Barry

Titre(s)King Jammy in roots / King Jammy.

Editeur(s)Auralux Recordings, 2004.

ContientLend me your chopper / Osbourne Johnny. - Name of the game / The Fantails. - What a great day / Castell Lacksley. - Slaughterhouse five. - King of Israel / Mundell Hugh. - King Pablo / Pablo Augustus. - Born free (extended mix) / Rose Michael. - Jailhouse (extended mix) / Reid Junior. - Youth man / Phillips Noel. - Youth man dub. - Walk with Jah / Mundell Hugh. - School days (extended mix) / Brown Barry. - Folly ranking / Osbourne Johnny.

Sujet(s)Dub (Musique) Reggae (musique)


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