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Studio One roots

Auteur(s)The Cyclones ;Ossie, Count ;Campbell, Cornell ;The Brentford Rockers ;McGregor, Freddie ;The Sound Dimension ;Bunnie & Skitter ;Williams, Willie ;The All Stars ;Crosdale, L ;Drum Bago ;The Rebel Group ;Wallace, Leroy "Horsemouth" ;The New Establishment ;Hibbert, Lennie ;Ellis, Alton ;Jarrett, Winston ;Russell, Devon "Soul" ;The Gaylads ;Black Brothers ;Cooper, Linton ;The Brentford Disco Set ;Simms, Zoot

Titre(s)Studio One roots / Collectif.

Editeur(s)12 Ingestre Place) : Soul Jazz Records, 2001.

ContientMeditation / The Cyclones / Ossie Count. - Natty don't go / Campbell Cornell / The Brentford Rockers. - Africa here I come / McGregor Freddy / The Sound Dimension. - Lumumbo / Bunnie & Skitter. - Addis a Baba / Williams Willie / The All Stars. - Set me free / Crosdale L. / Drum Bago. - Far beyond / Wallace Leroy "Horsemouth" / The New Establishment. - More creation / Hibbert Lennie. - Blackish white / Ellis Alton / The Sound Dimension. - Fear not / Jarrett Winston / The Sound Dimension. - Drum song / Russell Devon "Soul". - Africa / The Gaylads. - School children / Black Brothers. - You'll get your play / Cooper Linton / The Brentford Disco Set. - Congo rock / The Sound Dimension. - African challenge / Simms Zoot.

Sujet(s)Reggae (musique)


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