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"Gettin'in the groove"

Auteur(s)Francis, Panama (Batterie) ;Williams, Francis (Trompette) ;Stokes, Irvin (Trompette) ;Turney, Norris (Saxophones) ;Johnson, Howard (Saxophones) ;Kelly, George (Saxophones) ;Richards, Red (Pianos) ;Smith, John (Guitare) ;Pemberton, Bill (Contrebasse) ;Savoy Sultans (Auteur d'une citation ou d'extraits)

Titre(s)"Gettin'in the groove" / Francis Panama ; Williams Francis ; Stokes Irvin ; Turney Norris ; Johnson Howard ; Kelly George ; Richards Red ; Smith John ; Pemberton Bill ; Savoy Sultans.

Editeur(s)Black and Blue, 1987.

ContientSong of the islands. - Stitches. - Rhythm Dr Man. - Frenzy. - Checkered had. - Boats. - Little John special. - Blues in Bea's flat. - Clap hands here come Charlie. - Gettin' in the groove. - Shipyard social function. - Norfolk ferry. - Second balcony jump. - Looney. - Nuages. - Harlem congo.

Sujet(s)Jazz classique


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