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600% dynamite !

Auteur(s)Alozade and Hollow Point ;Osbourne, Johnny ;Cynty and The Monkeys ;Tenor Saw ;Prince Mohammed ;Tall T and The Touchers ;The Uniques ;Papa San ;Brown, Dennis ;Sister Nancy ;I.Roy ;Walks, Dennis ;In Crowd ;Reid, Sandra ;You, Yabby ;Xterminator ;Earth and Stone

Titre(s)600% dynamite ! / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Soul Jazz Records, 2003.

ContientUnder mi sensi / Alozade and Hollow Point. - Ready or not / Osbourne Johnny. - Lady lady / Cynty and The Monkeys. - Golden hen / Saw Tenor. - Come mek we rub a dub / Prince Mohammed. - Touching the president / Tall T and The Touchers. - Queen majesty / The Uniques. - Give her the credit / Papa San. - Westbound train / Brown Dennis. - Transport connection / Sister Nancy. - Combination drifter / I.Roy / Walks Dennis. - Budy bye / Osbourne Johnny. - His majesty is coming / In Crowd. - Ooh boy / Reid Sandra. - Conquering lion / You Yabby. - Love line version / Xterminator. - In time to come / Earth and Stone.

Sujet(s)Dub (Musique) Reggae (musique)


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