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Auteur(s)Fleming, Renée (1959-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Fisher, Rob (Conducteur) ;Odom Jr, Leslie (Artiste de spectacle) ;BBC Concert Orchestra

Titre(s)Broadway [enr. sonore] / Renée Fleming.

ContientFable. - Loneliness of evening. - Children will listen ; You've got to be carefully taught / Leslie Odom Jr. / Renée Fleming. - So big ; So small. - Something wonderful. - A wonderful guy. - Lay down your head. - Down in the depths - on the 90th floor. - Love and love alone ; Winter. - Dear friend. - The sound of music. - Unsual way. - Till there was you. - The glamorous life. - Tell me on a sunday. - August winds. - All the things you are.

Sujet(s)Comédie musicale


Lien : https://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/ws/wsgetimg.php?N=a0WG1159&C=4622&D=1071811&A=103024&W=300&F=1.jpg

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CDEn rayonMD325243040071Musique5.11 FLE


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  • https://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/home/songex/0/811/1071811/1071811_1_1_x.mp3
  • Loneliness of evening
  • Children will listen ; You've got to be carefully taught
  • So big ; So small
  • Something wonderful
  • A wonderful guy
  • Lay down your head
  • Down in the depths - on the 90th floor
  • Love and love alone ; Winter
  • Dear friend
  • The sound of music
  • Unsual way
  • Till there was you
  • The glamorous life
  • Tell me on a sunday
  • August winds
  • All the things you are


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