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Etats Unis. Gospel

Auteur(s)Molton, Flora ;Ellis, Eleanor

Titre(s)Etats Unis. Gospel / Flora Molton ; Eleanor Ellis.

Editeur(s)Ocora Radio France, P 1993.


ContientPharaoh got my people. - I heard it through me true vine. - come on in this house, it's going to rain. - crying Holy unto the Lord. - peace in the valley. - will the circle be unbroken. - traveling shoes. - move on up a little higher. - when I lay my burden down. - I want to be at the meeting. - Louis Armstong. - don't you want to ride this train. - Lord Will make a way. - don't let the Devil Ride. - Path By the sea. - Jesus met the woman at the welle. - where is the gambling man?. - vacation Heaven.

Sujet(s)Gospel : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325068500071Musique1.2 MOL


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