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Greatest hits

Auteur(s)Joel, Billy

Titre(s)Greatest hits / Billy Joel.

Editeur(s)Columbia, C 1985.

ContientDisque 1 Piano man. - Captain Jack. - The entertainer. - Say goodbye to Hollywood. - New-York state of mind. - The stranger. - Scenes from an italian restaurant. - Just the way you are. - Movin' out (Anthony's song). - Only the good die young. - She's always a woman. - Disque 2 My life. - Big shot. - Honesty. - You may be right. - It's still rock and roll to me. - She's got a way. - Pressure. - Allentown. - Goodnight Saigon. - Tell her about it. - Uptown girl. - The longest time. - You're only human (Second wind). - The night is still young.

Sujet(s)Chanson : Rock : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325004370071Musique2 JOE


Source : Wikipédia
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