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Dj Spinna presents the wonder of Stevie

Dj Spinna presents the wonder of Stevie

Auteur(s)DJ Spinna (1973-...) (Compilateur) ;Reel People (Musicien) ;Porter, David (Chanteur) ;Wonder, Stevie (1950-...) (Auteur d'oeuvres adaptées) ;Everett, Betty (1939-2001) (Chanteur) ;Preston, Billy (1946-2006) (Chanteur) ;Sherman, Tony (Chanteur) ;Thomas, B.J (Chanteur) ;Ruffin, David (1941-1991) (Chanteur) ;Cameron, G.C (Chanteur) ;Momrelle, Tony (Chanteur) ;Jones, Quincy (1933-...) (Musicien) ;Jrod Indigo (Chanteur) ;Black Sugar (Musicien) ;US Atlantic First Navy Show Band (Musicien) ;Sunlight Square (Musicien) ;Foreign Exchange (The) (Musicien) ;F.B.I (Musicien) ;Jackson 5 (Musicien) ;East St. Louis Gospelettes (Musicien) ;Sunlightsquare (Musicien) ;John Minnis' Big Bone Band (Musicien)

Titre(s)Dj Spinna presents the wonder of Stevie [enr. sonore] / DJ Spinna, sélectionneur / Reel People, ens. voc. & instr. ; David Porter, chant ; Stevie Wonder, aut. adapté ; Betty Everett, chant... [et al.].

Editeur(s)Londres : BBE Records, 2016.

ContientHave a talk with god / East St. Louis Gospelettes. - Buttercup / Jackson 5. - Just a little piece of you / Betty Everett. - If she breaks your heart / Foreign Exchange (The). - Pastime paradise / Sunlight Square. - Birds of beauty / US Atlantic First Navy Show Band. - It's my pleasure / Billy Preston. - Love's in need of love today / John Minnis' Big Bone Band. - As / Tony Sherman. - I don't know why I love you / David Porter. - Make my water boil (Loving you has been so wonderful) / David Ruffin. - If you don't love me / G.C. Cameron. - Golden lady / Reel People ; Tony Momrelle. - Betcha wouldn't hurt me / Quincy Jones. - Go home / Jrod Indigo. - Don't you worry bout a thing / Black Sugar. - Keep on runnin' / F.B.I. - Have a talk with god / East St. Louis Gospelettes. - Buttercup / Jackson 5. - Just a little piece of you / Betty Everett. - If she breaks your heart / Foreign Exchange (The). - Pastime paradise / Sunlightsquare. - Birds of beauty / US Atlantic First Navy Show Band. - It's my pleasure / Billy Preston. - Love's in need of love today / John Minnis' Big Bone Band. - As / Tony Sherman. - I don't know why I love you / David Porter. - Make my water boil (Loving you has been so wonderful) / David Ruffin. - If you don't love me / G.C. Cameron. - Golden lady / Reel People ; Tony Momrelle. - Betcha wouldn't hurt me / Quincy Jones. - Go home / Jrod Indigo. - Don't you worry bout a thing / Black Sugar. - Keep on runnin' / F.B.I. - Happier than the morning sun / B.J. Thomas. - Have a talk with god. - Buttercup. - Just a little piece of you. - If she breaks your heart. - Pastime paradise. - Birds of beauty. - It's my pleasure. - Love's in need of love today. - As. - I don't know why I love you. - Make my water boil (Loving you has been so wonderful). - If you don't love me. - Golden lady. - Betcha wouldn't hurt me. - Go home. - Don't you worry bout a thing. - Keep on runnin'. - Have a talk with god. - Buttercup. - Just a little piece of you. - If she breaks your heart. - Pastime paradise. - Birds of beauty. - It's my pleasure. - Love's in need of love today. - As. - I don't know why I love you. - Make my water boil (Loving you has been so wonderful). - If you don't love me. - Golden lady. - Betcha wouldn't hurt me. - Go home. - Don't you worry bout a thing. - Keep on runnin'. - Happier than the morning sun.

Résumé. La musique de Stevie Wonder a tellement influencée DJ Spinna qu'il décida de créer des soirées à sa gloire, les soirées Wonderfull. Lors de l'une de ces soirées Stevie lui-même le rejoint sur scène. S'ensuit une longue amitié. Ce disque est l'extension des soirées et célebre la vie, la musique et l'impact culturel de Stevie Wonder, parcourant son back catalogue y compris un grand nombre de chansons écrites pour d'autres artistes et de reprises.

NotesSoul Bag No.224 p.74 du 21/09/2016. 4/5.

Sujet(s)Soul-funk, soul psychédélique, P-funk


Lien : http://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/201605/0730003135828_thumb.jpg;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201607/01-0730003135828.mp3;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201607/02-0730003135828.mp3;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201607/03-0730003135828.mp3;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201607/04-0730003135828.mp3;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201607/05-0730003135828.mp3

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  • Have a talk with god
  • Buttercup
  • Just a little piece of you
  • If she breaks your heart
  • Pastime paradise




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