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True detective

Auteur(s)Cohen, Leonard (1934-2016) (Compositeur) ;Father John Misty (1981-...) (Compositeur) ;Si Istwa (Chanteur) ;Bonnie Prince Billy (1970-...) (Chanteur) ;Dylan, Bob (1941-...) (Compositeur) ;Wilson, Cassandra (1955-...) (Chanteur) ;Savior, Alexandra (Chanteur) ;White, John Paul (1973-...) (Compositeur) ;Lynn, Lera (Chanteur) ;Handsome Family (The) (Musicien) ;Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds (Musicien)

Titre(s)True detective [enr. sonore] : bande originale de la série télévisée / Leonard Cohen, comp., chant, guit. / Father John Misty, comp., chant, guit. / Si Istwa, chant... [et al.].

Editeur(s)Harvest Records, 2015.

ContientNevermind. - The only thing worth fighting for. - All the gold in California. - Lately. - What a way to go. - My least favorite life. - Far from any road. - Risk (Demo). - Sign of the judgement. - Rocks and gravel. - A church in ruins. - Intentional injury. - It only takes one shot. - The angry river. - Nevermind. - The only thing worth fighting for. - All the gold in California. - Lately. - What a way to go. - My least favorite life. - Far from any road. - Risk (Demo). - Sign of the judgement. - Rocks and gravel. - A church in ruins. - Intentional injury. - It only takes one shot. - The angry river.

NotesRock & Folk No.579 p.78 du 20/10/2015. 4/5.

Sujet(s)Musique de film Bandes originales de fictions de télévision (téléfilms, séries)


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  • Nevermind
  • The only thing worth fighting for
  • All the gold in California
  • Lately
  • What a way to go


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