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Liberation music orchestra

Auteur(s)Haden, Charlie (Contrebasse) ;Robinson, Perry (Clarinette) ;Barbieri, Gato (Saxophones) ;Redman, Dewey (Saxophones) ;Cherry, Don (1936-1995) (Trompette) ;Mantler, Michael (Trompette) ;Rudd, Roswell (Trombone) ;Northern, Bob (Cor) ;Johnson, Howard (Tuba) ;Brown, Sam (Guitare) ;Bley, Carla (1936-...) (Pianos) ;Motian, Paul (Batterie) ;Cyrille, Andrew (Percussions)

Titre(s)Liberation music orchestra / Haden Charlie.

Editeur(s)MCA Records, Inc., 1970.

ContientThe introduction. - Song of the united front. - El quinto regimiento ; Los cuatro generales ; Viva la quince brigada. - The ending to the first side. - Song for Ché. - War Orphans. - The interlude (drinking music). - Circus '68 '69. - We shall overcome.

Sujet(s)Free jazz


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Source : Wikipédia
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