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Luis Russell 1930-1934

Auteur(s)Russell, Luis (Pianos) ;Stewart, Rex (Cornet Bugle) ;Allen, Henry "Red" (Trompette) ;Wells, Dicky (Trombone) ;Higginbotham, J.C (Trombone) ;Nicholas, Albert (Clarinette) ;Holmes, Charlie (Saxophones) ;Foster, Pops (Contrebasse)

Titre(s)Luis Russell 1930-1934 / Russell Luis ; Stewart Rex ; Allen Henry "Red" ; Wells Dicky ; Higginbotham J.C. ; Nicholas Albert ; Holmes Charlie ; Foster Pops.

Editeur(s)Melodie Distribution, 1930.

ContientSaratoga shout. - Song of the Swanee. - Give me your telephone number. - Hingginbotham blues. - Louisiana swing. - Poor Li'l me. - On revival day. - Muggin' lightly. - Panama. - High tension. - I got rhythm. - Saratoga drag. - Ease on down. - Honey, that reminds me. - You rascall, you. - Goin' to town. - Say the word. - Freakish blues. - At the darktown strutter's ball. - My blue heaven. - Ghost of the freaks. - Hokus pokus. - Primitive. - Ol' man river.

Sujet(s)Jazz classique Big band (musique)


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CDEn rayonMGA50012831 RUS 30


Source : Wikipédia
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