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Come o spirit !

Auteur(s)Nash, Leigh ;Roderick, Megan ;Dabbs, Trent ;York, Kate ;Bevil, Kevin ;Wilson, Aimee ;Gibson, Laura ;Jurado, Damien ;Thomas, Rosie ;Witmer, Denison ;Ashworth, Sam ;Bazan, David ;Totten, John ;Worden, Shara ;Fullen, Sarah ;McRae, Kelly ;Gregory, Evan ;Pensak, Joseph ;Young, Laura ;Janes, Liz ;Welcome Wagon (The)

Titre(s)Come o spirit ! : anthology of hymns and spiritual songs vol.1.

Editeur(s)Differ-Ant Distribution, 2009.

ContientI sought the lord / Leigh Nash / Megan Roderick. - It is finished / Trent Dabbs / Kate York / Leigh Nash / Kevin Bevil. - Come, o spirit / Aimee Wilson. - Jesus, saviour, pilot me / Laura Gibson. - Just a closer walk / Damien Jurado / Rosie Thomas. - Open thou mine eyes / Kate York. - Mourner's prayer (The) / Denison Witmer / Sam Ashworth. - Hard times / David Bazan / Rosie Thomas / Laura Gibson / John Totten. - Kyrie / Shara Worden / Sarah Fullen / Megan Roderick. - Be still my soul / Sarah Fullen / Kelly McRae / Evan Gregory. - How calm and beautiful the morn / Joseph Pensak / Laura Young. - Lord, I believe / Liz Janes. - We never said a mumblin' word / Welcome Wagon (The).

Sujet(s)Gospel & negro-spiritual


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Source : Wikipédia
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