
id Villecomtal sur Arros 2016 2

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I'm in the mood foe swing

Auteur(s)Hampton, Lionel

Titre(s)I'm in the mood foe swing / Lionel Hampton.

Editeur(s)Academy Sound and Vision, P 1992.

Contientmemories of you. - new kinda blues. - sweet Sue. - vibration blues. - runnin'wild. - you turned the tables on me. - sing baby sing. - the man I love. - rhythm rhythm. - china stomp. - my last affair. - hampton stomp. - buzzin' round with bees. - whoa babe. - stompology. - I'm in the mood for swing. - on the sunny side of the street. - the object of my affection. - everybody loves my baby. - ring dem bells. - I can't get start wiqth you. - Jivin' the vibes.

Sujet(s)Vibraphone : Jazz : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonVILLECOMTAL-SUR-ARROS5150270071Musique1.3 HAM


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