
id Villecomtal sur Arros 2016 2

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An introduction to Jimmie Lunceford : his best recordings 1934-1942

Auteur(s)Lunceford, Jimmie (Conducteur)

Titre(s)An introduction to Jimmie Lunceford : his best recordings 1934-1942 / Lunceford Jimmie.

Editeur(s)Melodie Distribution, 1994.

ContientSwingin' uptown. - Remember when. - Dream of you. - Rhythm is our business. - My blue heaven. - Ragging the scale. - For dancers only. - Like a ship at sea. - Annie Laurie. - Margie. - 'Tain't what you do (it's the way you do it). - Cheatin' on me. - The lonesome road. - Blue blazes. - Ain't she sweet ?. - Think on me, little daddy. - Liza (all the clouds'll rool away). - Uptown blues. - Siesta at the fiesta. - Yard dog mazurka. - Blues in the night part 1 & 2. - Keep smilin', keep laughin', be happy.

Sujet(s)Jazz classique Big band (musique)


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CDEn rayonMGA50017241 LUN 30


Source : Wikipédia
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