
id Villecomtal sur Arros 2016 2

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A reality tour

Auteur(s)Bowie, David (1947-...)

Titre(s)A reality tour [CD] / David Bowie.

Editeur(s)Sony Bmg Music Entertainment, 2009.

ContientRebel, rebel. - New killer star. - Reality. - Fame. - Cactus. - Sister midnight. - Afraid. - All the young dudes. - Be my wife. - Loneliest guy (The). - Man who sold the world (The). - Fantastic voyage. - Hallo spaceboy. - Sunday. - Under pressure. - Life on mars ?. - Battle for Britain. - Ashes to ashes. - Motel (The). - Loving the alien. - Never get old. - Changes. - I'm afraid of americans. - Heroes. - Bring me the disco king. - Slip away. - Heathen. - Five years. - Hang on to yourself. - Ziggy Stardust. - Fall dogs bomb the moon. - Breaking glass. - China girl.

Sujet(s)Variétés internationales


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonCONDOM93210715176Musique2 BOW


Source : Wikipédia
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