
id Villecomtal sur Arros 2016 2

  M É D I A G E R S


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Best of

Auteur(s)Gaye, Marvin (1939-1984)

Titre(s)Best of / Marvin Gaye.

Editeur(s)Nacarat, 2012.

ContientGot to give it up. - After the dance. - Come get to this. - Let's get it on. - After the dance. - If this world were mine. - Ain't no mountain high enough. - How sweet it is to be loved by you. - I wan you. - Inner city blues. - I heard through the gravepine. - Come get to this. - Let's get it on. - God is my friend. - What's going on. - Inner city blues. - Joy. - Medley (ain't nothing like the real thing, heaven must have sent you, let's b... - Rockin'after midnight. - Distant lover. - Sexual healing.

Sujet(s)Soul music


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDPrêtéEAUZE00119000136562Musique1.41 GAY


Source : Wikipédia
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