
id Seissan2016

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Ultimate Diana

Auteur(s)Ross, Diana ;Supremes The

Titre(s)Ultimate Diana / Diana Ross & The Supremes.

Editeur(s)Motown Record, P 1999.

ContientCD 1 :Upside down. - the boss. - love hangover. - endless love. - it's my turn. - I'm coming out. - my old piano. - gettin' ready for love. - you are everything. - touch me in the morning. - I'm still waiting. - ain't no mountain high enough. - reach out i'll be therre. - the last time I saw him. - Baby Brown.Save the children. - my mistake. - CD 2 : you can't hurry love. - you keep me hangin' on. - where did our love go. - Baby love. - come dee about me. - back in my arms again. - my world is empty without you. - I hear a symphony. - nothing but heartaches. - love is like an itching in my heart. - love is here and now you're gone. - the happening. - reflections. - in and out of love. - love child. - I'm gonna make you love me. - someday we'll be together. - stop in the name of love. - you send me. - a hard day's night. - can I get a witness.

Sujet(s)Chanson : Rock : Phonogramme


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonCONDOM93210716128Musique2 ROS
CDEn rayonEAUZE00119000135663Musique2.9 ROS


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