
id Seissan2016

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Dragon 2

Auteur(s)Powell, John (Auteurs/Compositeurs) ;DeBlois, Dean

Titre(s)Dragon 2 / John Powell.

Editeur(s)DreamWorks Records, 2014.

ContientDragon racing. - Together we map the world. - Hiccup the chief / Drago's coming. - Toothless lost. - Should I know you ?. - Valka's dragon sanctuary. - Losing mom / Meet the good Alpha. - Meet Drago. - Stoick finds beauty. - Flying with mother. - For the dancing and the dreaming. - Battle of the bewilderbeast. - Hiccup confronts Drago. - Stoick saves Hiccup. - Stoick's ship. - Alpha comes to Berk. - Toothless found. - Two new Alphas. - Where no one goes. - Into a fantasy.

Indice(s)722 ; 520

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Livre CD - DVDEn rayonMGA5019050Musique722 DRA


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