
id Seissan2016

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Auteur(s)Quatuor Ebène (Cordes) ;Colombet, Pierre (Violon) ;Le Magadure, Gabriel (Violon) ;Herzog, Mathieu (Alto) ;Merlin, Raphaël (Violoncelle) ;Héry, Richard (Batterie) ;Casal, Luz ;Kent, Stacey ;Dessay, Natalie ;Ardant, Fanny (1949-...)

Titre(s)Fiction / Quatuor Ebène.

Editeur(s)EMC Records, 2010.

ContientMisirlou [from Pulp Fiction]. - Amado mio [from Gilda] / Casal Luz. - Nature boy. - Come together. - Unrequited. - Intro Calling you. - Calling you [from Bagdad Café]. - Corcovado / Hent Stacey. - Nothing personal. - Footprints. - Lilac wine / Ardant Fanny. - Smile [from Modern times]. - Someday my prince will come. - Somewhere (over the rainbow) [from The Wizard of Oz] / Dessay Nathalie. - 7-29-04 The Day of [from Ocean's]. - Streets of Philadelphia [from Philadelphia].


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CDPrêtéMGA50161084 QUA 14


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