
id Seissan2016

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Jazzmatazz, vol.4 : the hip hop messenger "Back to the future"

Auteur(s)Guru's Jazzmatazz ;Guru (Préfacier, etc.) ;Slum Village ;Common ;James, Bob ;Marley, Damian Jr. Gong ;Kem ;Green, Vivian ;Devaughn, Raheem ;Valentino, Bobby ;Laws, Ronnie ;Farris, Dionne ;Omar ;Harland, Shelley ;Brownman ;Blackalicious ;Wheeler, Caron ;Sanborn, David

Titre(s)Jazzmatazz, vol.4 : the hip hop messenger "Back to the future" / Guru's Jazzmatazz ; Guru.

Editeur(s)distrib. V2 Distribution, 2007.

ContientCuz I'm jazzy / Slum Village. - State of clarity / Common / James Bob. - Stand up (Some things'll never change) / Marley Damian Jr. Gong. - Look to the sun. - Connection / Kem. - Fine and free / Green Vivian. - Wait on me / Devaughn Raheem. - International / Valentino Bobby. - This is art / Laws Ronnie. - Fly magnetic / Farris Dionne. - The jazz style / Omar. - Follow the signs / Harland Shelley. - Universal struggle / Brownman. - Infinite / Blackalicious. - Kissed the world / Wheeler Caron. - Living legend / Sanborn David.

Sujet(s)Rap (musique)


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CDPrêtéMGA50134122 GUR 91


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