
id Seissan2016

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The Kings of Techno : The Detroit perspective by Laurent Garnier - The European perspective by Carl Craig

Auteur(s)Garnier, Laurent ;Craig, Carl ;Lateef, Yusef ;Dabrye ;Jay Dee ;Franklin, Aretha (1942-2018) ;Arpanet ;BFC ;Instinct ;Craig, Carl ;MK ;Bohannon, Hamilton ;Detroit In Effect [D.I.E.] ;Adult ;The Stooges ;Pop, Iggy (1947-...) ;Mills, Jeff ;Funkadelic ;Coltrane, Alice ;Sanders, Farrell "Pharoah" ;Underground Resistance ;Art Of Noise ;Capricorn ;Nitzer Ebb ;Martin Circus ;Kano ;Yellow Magic Orchestra ;Yello ;Liaisons Dangereuses ;Robotnick, Alexander ;Choice ;The Black Dog ;The Flying Lizards ;Balil ;Visage ;Severed Heads

Titre(s)The Kings of Techno : The Detroit perspective by Laurent Garnier - The European perspective by Carl Craig / Garnier Laurent ; Craig Carl.

Editeur(s)Barely Breaking Even Records (BBE), 2006.

ContientCD 1 "LAURENT GARNIER - THE DETROIT PERSPECTIVE" : The plum blossom / Lateef Yusef. - Game over (feat. Jay Dee and Phat Kat) / Dabrye. - Beej-N-dem, pt. 2 / Jay Dee. - Rock steady / Franklin Aretha. - NTT DoCoMo / Arpanet. - Galaxy / BFC. - Just a feeling / Instinct. - No more words / Craig Carl. - Burning / MK. - Me and the gang / Bohannon Hamilton. - Get up / Detroit In Effect [D.I.E.]. - Don't talk (Redux) / ADULT. - No fun / The Stooges / Pop Iggy. - Utopia / Mills Jeff. - Bettino's bounce / Funkadelic. - Journey in Satchidananda / Coltrane Alice / Sanders Farrell "Pharoah". - Amazon (live) / Underground Resistance. - CD 2 "CARL CRAIG - THE EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE" : Intro. - Beatbox / Art Of Noise. - I need love (instrumental) / Capricorn. - Join in the chant / Ebb Nitzer. - Disco circus / Martin Circus. - It's a war / Kano. - Computer games / Yellow Magic Orchestra. - No more words / Yello. - Peut-être pas / Liaisons Dangereuses. - Dance boy dance / Robotnick Alexander. - Acid Eiffel / Choice. - Virtual / The Black Dog. - Flesh & steel / The Flying Lizards. - Norte route / Balil. - Frequency 7 / Visage. - The ant can see legs / Severed Heads.

Sujet(s)Musique électronique Techno (musique)


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CDPrêtéMGA50132152 KIN 84


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