
id Seissan2016

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Woody Allen's movie music

Auteur(s)Allen, Woody ;Wilson, Arthur "Dooley" ;Dorsey, Tommy ;Armstrong, Louis ;Webb, Chick ;Reinhardt, Django ;James, Harry ;Goodman, Benny ;Miller, Glenn ;Glenn Miller Orchestra ;Shaw, Artie ;Sinatra, Frank (1915-1998) ;Stordahl, Axel ;Ellington, Duke ;Miranda, Carmen ;Garner, Erroll ;Crosby, Bob ;Jolson, Al ;The Vitaphone Orchestra ;Beiderbecke, Bix ;Trumbauer, Frank ;Holiday, Billie ;Berigan, Bunny ;Cavallaro, Carmen ;Orchestre symphonique de la N.B.C.(National Broadcasting Company) ;Toscanini, Arturo

Titre(s)Woody Allen's movie music / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Disconforme sl, 2002.

Contient"PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM" : As time goes by / Wilson Arthur "Dooley". - "INTERIORS" : Keepin' out of Mischief now / Dorsey Tommy. - "STARDUST MEMORIES" : Stardust / Armstrong Louis. - If dreams come true / Webb Chick. - I'll see you in my dreams / Reinhardt Django. - "HANNAH AND HER SISTERS" : You made me love you / James Harry. - I've heard that song before / James Harry. - "RADIO DAYS" : The flight of the bumblebee / James Harry. - September song / James Harry. - Body and soul / Goodman Benny. - In the mood / Miller Glenn. - Begin the begine / Shaw Artie. - Opus one / Dorsey Tommy. - If you are but a dream / Sinatra Frank / Stordahl Axel. - Goodbye / Goodman Benny. - I'm gettin' sentimental over you / Dorsey Tommy. - American patrol / Miller Glenn. - Take the "A" train / Ellington Duke. - South American way / Miranda Carmen. - "MANHATTAN MURDER MYSTERY" : I'm in the mood for love / Garner Erroll. - The big noise from Winnetka / Crosby Bob / The Bobcats. - "BULLETS OVER BROADWAY" : Toot, Toot, Tootsie ! (Good-bye) / The Vitaphone Orchestra. - Singin' the blues (Till my daddy comes home) / Beiderbecke Bix / Trumbauer Frank. - "CELEBRITY" : Did I remember (To tell you I adore you) ? / Holiday Billie / Berigan Bunny. - Cocktails for two / Cavallaro Carmen. - Rhapsody in blue (intro & thème) / Orchestre symphonique de la N.B.C.(National Broadcasting Company) / Toscanini Arturo.

Indice(s)520 ; 1.30

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