
id Seissan2016

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Auteur(s)Kirk, Rahsaan Roland (Saxophones)

Titre(s)Anthology / Kirk Rahsaan Roland.

Editeur(s)Night & day distribution, 1993.

ContientCD 1 : Wham bam thank you ma'am. - Conversation. - Bye bye blackbird. - Horses (Monogram / Republic). - If I loved you. - Old rugged cross. - Ain't no sunshine. - Volunteered slavery. - Seasons : a. One mind winter / Summer - b. Night ghost. - Introduction. - Medley : Going home - Sentimental journey - In monument - Lover. - The black and crazy blues. - I say a little prayer. - Medley : This love of mine - Roots. - CD 2 : The inflated tear. - Blacknuss. - I love you yes I do. - Portrait of those beautiful ladies. - Water for Robeson and Williams. - A laugh for Rory. - The entertainer (Done in the style of the blues). - Black root. - Carney and begard place. - Anysha. - Making love after hours. - Freaks for the festival. - Horses. - Bye bye blackbird. - Conversation. - Three for the festival. - Bright moments (excerpt).

Sujet(s)Jazz hard bop


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CDEn rayonMGA50042331 KIR 41


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