
id Seissan2016

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A MusiCares tribute to Bruce Springsteen

http://www.rdm-video.fr/images/plus/485352.jpgRDM DVD / Blu-Ray

Auteur(s)Springsteen, Bruce (1949-...) ;John, Sir Elton (Artiste de spectacle) ;Smith, Patti (1946-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Springsteen, Bruce (1949-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Young, Neil (1945-...)

Titre(s)A MusiCares tribute to Bruce Springsteen [images animées] / Bruce Springsteen ; Sir Elton John ; Neil Young ; Patti Smith.

Editeur(s)[s.l.] : Columbia, 2014.

ContientAdam Raised a Cain. - Because the Night. - Atlantic City. - American Land. - My City of Ruins. - I'm On Fire. - American Skin (41 Shots). - My Hometown. - One Step Up. - Streets of Philadelphia. - Hungry Heart. - Tougher Than the Rest. - The Ghost of Tom Joad. - Dancing in the Dark. - Lonesome Day. - Born in the USA. - We Take Care of Our Own. - Death to My Hometown. - Thunder Road. - Born to Run. - Glory Days.

NotesLangue(s) parlée(s) : eng, ita. - Format(s) audio(s) :. - Format(s) Vidéo(s) : 16/9. - Prêt + consultation.

Sujet(s)Rock (musique) [s.l.]


Lien : http://www.rdm-video.fr/images/plus/485352.jpg

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DVD / Blu-RayEn rayonMD328019400071MusiqueVM 2.3 SPR


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