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She came to me

She came to me

Auteur(s)Dessner, Bryce (1976-...) ;Miller, Rebecca ;Springsteen, Bruce (1949-...)

Titre(s)She came to me : bande originale du film de Rebecca Miller / Bryce Dessner.

Editeur(s)Warner Classics, 2023.

ContientHero. - Patricia's rendezvous. - Alien opera (hurry, hurry). - Tugboat opera (she came to me). - Patricia at the convent. - Trey's plans. - Julian and Tereza. - I love cleaning. - Falling (Night on the tug). - Breakthrough. - Falling (tension). - Grew up on this tug. - Stocking the fire. - Trey's demands. - Rising strings (we just have to keep reminding each other). - Get lost Steven. - Panic mirror. - Escape. - I love cleaning (solo piano). - Falling (pizzicato). - Addicted to romance.


Lien : https://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/202306/5054197689338_thumb.jpg

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Source : Wikipédia
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  • Hero
  • Patricia's rendezvous
  • Alien opera (hurry, hurry)
  • Tugboat opera (she came to me)
  • Patricia at the convent


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