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Four classic albums

Four classic albums

Auteur(s)Byrd, Donald (1932-...) ;Mobley, Hank ;Watkins, Doug ;Clarke, Kenny (1914-1985) ;Jones, Hank (1918-...) ;Foster, Frank

Titre(s)Four classic albums : Byrd's word. Byrd's eye view. All night long. Byrd blows on beacon hill / Donald Byrd.

Editeur(s)Avid Entertainment, 2014.

ContientWinterset. - Gotcha goin' n comin'. - Long green. - Stareyes. - Someone to watch over me. - Doug's blues. - El sino. - Everything happens to me. - Hank's tune. - Hank's other tune. - All night long. - Boo-lu. - Flickers. - Li'l hankie. - Little rock getaway. - Polka dots and moonbeams. - People will say we're in love. - If I love again. - What's new. - Stella by starlight.


Lien : https://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/201907/5022810707028_thumb.jpg

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CDEn rayonMGA50217321 BYR 41


Source : Wikipédia
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  • Winterset
  • Gotcha goin' n comin'
  • Long green
  • Stareyes
  • Someone to watch over me


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