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Sound of New Orleans 1992-2005


Titre(s)Sound of New Orleans 1992-2005.

Editeur(s)Frémeaux et associés, P 2009.

ContientCD 1 : Hey pocky way / Algiers Brass Band. - Sick and tired / Chewy Thunderfoot Black. - How long / Ridgley Tommy. - Let it shine / Darnell Tara. - I got a big fat woman / Treme Brass Band. - My sweet Marie / Shaw Bill E. - One day, I'm gonna loose 100 pounds / Phat2sday. - Born in Mississippi / DJ Rooster. - US funk & G / Boyd Wayne. - Little Liza Jane / Eddie Boh Paris Funky Brass Band / Boh Paris Eddie. - Big A's two step / Kermit Venable Beaubassin Cajun Band. - Valse de Grand Basile / Warren Caesar Creole Zydeco Snap Band. - My Louisiana beauty / Dwayne Dopsie Zydeco Hellraisers. - Mathilda / Selwyn Cooper Hurricane Blues Band. - Tromboniana / Coolbone Brass Band / Mayfield Irvin. - Tied up (In Jesus) / Zion Harmonizers. - What you gonna do ? / Voices of Distinction. - God's not dead / Melody Clouds. - Mind on freedom / David & Rosalyn / Leonard David. - Wonderful world / Algiers Brass Band. - CD 2 : Blackbird special / Mahogany Brass Band. - Southern fried gumbo funk / Veda Love. - Leave my kitten alone / G.G. Shinn. - Indian red / Les Getrex. - Get out of my life woman / Cuccia Charlie. - I love you so / Fran Carol. - Untouchable glide / Chuck C. & Clearly Blue. - File gumbo / Smitty Dee's Brass Band. - Shetland pony / The Creole Zydeco Farmers. - On a night like this / Rockin' Dopsie Jr. - I'm walking to New Orleans / Davis J.B. - Slomo blues / Franco Mr Boogieman Stevie. - I'll play the blues for you / Jacobs Charles. - Salute to Mestre André / Casa Samba. - Go to the Mardi Gras / High Steppers Brass Band. - What you think about Jesus / The New Orleans Spiritualettes. - We need Jesus / Zion Harmonizers. - The moment I believed / Bemiss Brothers. - Roll, Jordan, roll / Heavenly Stars. - Amazing Grace / Mahogany Brass Band. - CD 1 : Hey pocky way /Algiers brass band. - Sick and tired/Thunderfoot black. - How long/Ridgley... - CD 2 : Blackbird special/Mahogany Brass band...

Sujet(s)Compilation : Jazz : Phonogramme Blues (musique) Gospel (musique) Jazz Nouvelle-Orléans Brass band [orchestre de cuivres et percussions] Zydeco (musique) Jazz funk (musique)

Indice(s)110 ; 115 ; 1.00 ; 1.20 ; 1.3

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