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World greatest metal tribute to Led Zeppelin

Auteur(s)Led Zeppelin ;Compilation

Titre(s)World greatest metal tribute to Led Zeppelin.

Editeur(s)Deadline, P 2006.

ContientCD 2: South bound Saurez. - Walters walk. - Darlène. - black country woman. - how many more times. - the rover. - four sticks. - hats oof to (roy) Harper. - I can't quit you baby. - hots on for nowhere. - living loving maid (she's just a woman). - Royal Orleans. - Bonzo's Montreux. - the crunge. - Bring it on home. - tea for one. - Kashmir/Paul Dianno. - Ramble on /Candelbox. - Rock n' roll/Slaughter.

Sujet(s)Chanson : Rock : Phonogramme Hard rock : Phonogramme Metal : Rock : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325153940071Musique2.5 LED


Source : Wikipédia
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