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20 all time movies hits [Anthologie] : video-hit-collection "93" original music

Titre(s)20 all time movies hits [Anthologie] : video-hit-collection "93" original music.

Editeur(s)Varèse Sarabande records, P 1993.

ContientTerminator 2/B.Fiedel. - Medicine man/J.Goldsmith. - City slikers/M.Sheiman. - Father of the bride/A.Silvestri. - Naked gun 2 1/2/Ira Newbora. - Little man Tate/Mark Isham. - the Last butterfly/A.North. - the Great mouse detective/H.Mancini. - Year of the comet/Hummie man. - Hudson hawk/M.Kamen. - final analysis/G.Fenton. - article 99/D.Elfman. - Dead again/P.Doyle. - Basic instinct/J.Goldsmith. - The Player/T.Newman. - Doc Hollywood /C.Burwell. - My Cousin Vinny/R.Edelman. - Soapdish/A.Silvestri. - A Rage in Harlem/E.Bernstein. - Black Robe/G.Delerue.

Sujet(s)Musique de film : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325044790071Musique6.1 A


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