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Peaky blinders

Peaky blinders

Auteur(s)Collectif ;Slattery, Martin ;Phipps, Martin ;Auerbach, Dan ;White, Jack (1975-...) ;Harvey, PJ (1969-...) ;Hartnoll, Paul ;Marling, Laura (1990-...) ;Genn, Antony ;Calvi, Anna ;Hawley, Richard (1967-...) ;Bowie, David (1947-...) ;Beth, Jehnny ;Hinchcliffe, Dickon ;Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds ;White Stripes (The) ;Last Shadow Puppets (The) ;Queens of the Stone Age ;Black Rebel Motorcycle Club ;Frank Carter & the Rattlesnakes ;Royal Blood ;Joy Division ;Arctic Monkeys ;Rachel Unthank & The Winterset ;Idles ;Savages ;Foals ;Black Sabbath ;Radiohead

Titre(s)Peaky blinders / Collectif.

Editeur(s)UMC, 2019.

ContientRed right hand. - St. James infirmary blues. - Truce (S1 score). - The prowl. - Love is blindness. - To bring you my love. - I've heard very bad... things about you... - River Styx. - Post Irish meeting (S2 score). - Red right hand. - What he wrote. - Come on over. - Do I wanna know ?. - Breathless. - You and whose army ?. - This is love. - Sons (S3 score). - Burn the witch. - Bad habits. - Lazarus. - Adore. - The mercy seat (Live from KCRW). - I wish. - Ballad of Polly Gray (S4 score). - Devil inside me. - Snake oil. - Pyramid song. - A hard rain's a-gonna fall. - The wizard. - Papi pacify. - Atmosphere. - You're not god (S5 score). - I'm the man. - Never fight a man with a perm. - 'I will continue, until I find the man I can't defeat. - Ballad of a thin man.

RésuméLa série à succès de Steven Knight portée par Cillian Murphy, Sam Neill, Helen McCrory ou encore Annabelle Wallis dévoile enfin sa bande originale. Affichant une sélection musicale ultra pointue, la série événement fait la part belle aux grands noms du rock indé : PJ Harvey, Dan Auerbach, Arctic Monkey et bien sûr Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds participent de l'atmosphère si particulière, propre à la série.

NotesInrockuptibles No.1253 p.52 du 04/12/2019.

Sujet(s)Séries télévisées ** Bandes originales de film


Lien : https://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/201910/0602508156472_thumb.jpg

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CDEn rayonMD325259040071Musique6.13 PEA
CDEn rayonMGA5022109521 PEA


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  • https://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201912/01-0602508156472.mp3
  • Red right hand
  • St. James infirmary blues
  • Truce (S1 score)
  • https://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201912/05-0602508156472.mp3


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