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Best of Bond... James Bond

Best of Bond... James Bond

Auteur(s)John Barry Orchestra (The) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Armstrong, Louis (1901-1971) (Artiste de spectacle) ;White, Jack (1975-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Cornell, Chris (1964-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Madonna (1958-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Crow, Sheryl (1962-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Coolidge, Rita (1945-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Easton, Sheena (1959-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;McCartney, Paul (1942-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Simon, Carly (1945-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Sinatra, Nancy (1940-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Jones, Tom (1940-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Bassey, Shirley (1937-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Monro, Matt (1930-1985) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Knight, Gladys (1944-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Turner, Tina (1939-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Lulu (1948-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Serra, Eric (1959-...) (Compositeur) ;Walker, Scott (1943-...) (Compositeur) ;Lang, K.D (1961-...) (Chanteur) ;Moby (1965-...) (Compositeur) ;Hamlisch, Marvin (1944-2012) (Chanteur) ;Conti, Bill (1942-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Arnold, David (1962-...) (Compositeur) ;Nina (Chanteur) ;Keys, Alicia (1981-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Coupland, Diana (Chanteur) ;George Martin and his Orchestra (Musicien) ;Duran Duran (Artiste de spectacle) ;Pretenders (The) (Musicien) ;Wings (Artiste de spectacle) ;Garbage (Artiste de spectacle) ;A-Ha (Artiste de spectacle) ;Monty Norman Orchestra (Musicien)

Titre(s)Best of Bond... James Bond [enr. sonore] / John Barry Orchestra (The), ens. instr. / Louis Armstrong, chant / Jack White, chant... [et al.].

Editeur(s)Capitol Records, 1999.

ContientJames Bond theme. - From Russia with love. - Goldfinger. - Thunderball. - You only live twice. - On her majesty's secret service. - We have all the time in the world. - Diamonds are forever. - Live and let die. - The man with the golden gun. - Nobody does it better. - Moonraker. - For your eyes only. - All time high. - A view to a kill. - The living daylights. - Licence to kill. - GoldenEye. - Tomorrow never dies. - The world is not enough. - Die another day. - You know my name. - Another way to die. - Dr. No's fantasy. - Under the mango tree. - 007. - Opening titles (Medley). - Into Miami. - The laser bream. - Mr. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. - Switching the body. - Capsule in space. - Do you know how christmas trees are grown. - Bond smells a rat. - Fillet of soul-New Orleans/Live and let die/Fillet of soul-Harlem (Medley). - Underground lair. - Hip's trip. - The pyramids. - Cable car and snake fight. - Make it last all night. - The chase bomb theme. - Snow job. - Where has everybody gone. - If there was a man. - The experience of love. - James Bond theme (Moby's re-version). - Surrender. - Only myself to blame. - Vesper. - Time to get out. - James Bond theme. - From Russia with love. - Goldfinger. - Thunderball. - You only live twice. - On her majesty's secret service. - We have all the time in the world. - Diamonds are forever. - Live and let die. - The man with the golden gun. - Nobody does it better. - Moonraker. - For your eyes only. - All time high. - A view to a kill. - The living daylights. - Licence to kill. - GoldenEye. - Tomorrow never dies. - The world is not enough. - Die another day. - You know my name. - Another way to die. - Dr. No's fantasy. - Under the mango tree. - 007. - Opening titles (Medley). - Into Miami. - The laser bream. - Mr. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. - Switching the body. - Capsule in space. - Do you know how christmas trees are grown. - Bond smells a rat. - Fillet of soul-New Orleans/Live and let die/Fillet of soul-Harlem (Medley). - Underground lair. - Hip's trip. - The pyramids. - Cable car and snake fight. - Make it last all night. - The chase bomb theme. - Snow job. - Where has everybody gone. - If there was a man. - The experience of love. - James Bond theme (Moby's re-version). - Surrender. - Only myself to blame. - Vesper. - Time to get out.


Sujet(s)Musique de film Compilations thématiques (genres, periodes, pays, maisons de productions...)

Indice(s)6.1 ; 6.21

Lien : http://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/201510/0602547613806_thumb.jpg

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CDEn rayonSIMORRE5224260071Musique6.1 JAM
CDEn rayonVIC-FEZENSAC00462000062366Musique6.2 BON


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  • James Bond theme
  • From Russia with love
  • Goldfinger
  • Thunderball
  • You only live twice


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