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New day (A)

New day (A)

Auteur(s)McAnuff, Winston (1957-...) (Chanteur) ;Fixi (Accordeons)

Titre(s)New day (A) [enr. sonore] / Winston McAnuff, chant ; Fixi.

Editeur(s)Chapter Two/Wagram Music, 2013.

ContientGarden of love. - One two tree. - You and I. - Wha dem say. - Johnny. - I'm a rebel. - Heart of gold. - Economical crisis (Coconut). - Don't give up. - If you look. - Let him go. - A new day. - Garden of love. - One two tree. - You and I / Tony Allen ; Nicolas Giraud. - Wha dem say. - Johnny. - I'm a rebel. - Heart of gold. - Economical crisis (Coconut). - Don't give up. - If you look. - Let him go / Earl China Smith. - A new day.

RésuméL'accordéon de Paris danse ici le tango avec la soul de Kingston.

NotesTextes des chansons. - Longueur d'Ondes No.69 p.51 du 08/10/2013. - Rock & Folk No.555 p.87 du 15/10/2013. 4/5. - Inrockuptibles No.933 p.87 du 16/10/2013. 4/5.

Sujet(s)Ska, reggae Reggae (musique)

Indice(s)2.92 ; 2.00 ; 1.6

Lien : http://www.gamannecy.com//upload/albums/201308/3596972804120_thumb.jpg

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CDEn rayonMD325208010071Musique1.6 MAC
CDEn rayonMDC50183992 MCA 92


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  • Garden of love
  • One two tree
  • You and I
  • Wha dem say
  • Johnny
  • Garden of love
  • One two tree
  • You and I
  • Wha dem say
  • Johnny


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