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Funky good time : the anthology

Auteur(s)The JB's ;Wesley, Fred (Trombone) ;Brown, James (Pianos) (Orgues) (Synthétiseur) ;Jamison, Darryl Hasaan (Trompette) ;Oakley, Isiah Ike (Trompette) ;Sanford, Jerone Jasaan (Trompette) ;Parker, Maceo (Saxophones) (Flûtes) ;Pinckney, St. Clair (Saxophones) ;Williams, Eldee (Saxophones) ;Nolen, Jimmy (Guitare) ;Martin, Hearlon Cheese (Guitare) ;Thomas, Fred (Guitare basse) ;Starks, John Jabo (Batterie) ;Gunnels, Clayton Chicken (Trompette) ;McCollough, Robert (Saxophones) ;Byrd, Bobby (Pianos) ;Collins, Phelps "Catfish" (Guitare électrique) ;Collins, Bootsy (Guitare basse) ;Waddy, Frankie "Kash" (Batterie) ;Parker, Jimmy (Saxophones) ;Coleman, Robert (Guitare) ;Griggs, Johnny (Percussions) ;Stamm, Marvin (Trompette) ;Brecker, Randy (Trompette) ;Dodgion, Jerry (Saxophones) ;Farrell, Joe (Saxophones) ;Cranshaw, Bob (Guitare basse) ;Matthews, Dave (Orgues) ;Soloff, Lew (Trompette) ;Ellis, Pee Wee (Saxophones) ;Beck, Joe (Guitare) ;Brown, Charlie (Guitare) ;Madison, Jimmy (Batterie) ;Sherrell, "Sweet Charles" ;The First Family ;Austin, Lee ;Collins, Lyn ;High, Martha ;The Macks

Titre(s)Funky good time : the anthology / The J.B.'s.

Editeur(s)Polygram, 1995.

ContientCD 1 : Introduction to the J.B.'s - Doing it to the death / James Brown / Fred Wesley & The J.B.'s. - The grunt [parts 1 & 2]. - My brother [parts 1 & 2]. - Pass the peas. - Gimme some more. - J.B. shout / Fred Wesley & The J.B.'s. - Blessed blackness. - Hot pants road. - Ginvin' up food for funk [parts 1 & 2]. - Honky tonk [parts 1] / The James Brown Soul Train. - Dirty Harri / Fred Wesley & The J.B.'s. - Watermelon man / Fred Wesley & The J.B.'s. - Parrty [parts 1 & 2] / Maceo and The Macks. - You can have watergate just gimme some bucks and I'll be straight / Fred Wesley & The J.B.'s. - More peas / Fred Wesley & The J.B.'s. - CD 2 : Gimme some more (very live). - Same beat [parts 1, 2 & 3] / Fred Wesley & The J.B.'s. - If you don't get it the first time, back up and try it again, party / Fred Wesley & The J.B.'s. - Damn right I am somebody / Fred Wesley & The J.B.'s. - I'm payin' taxes, what am I buyin' / Fred Wesley & The J.B.'s. - Soul power '74 / Maceo and The Macks. - Keep on bumpin' before you give out of gas / The Last Word. - Breakin' bread / Fred Wesley & The J.B.'s. - Rockin' funky watergate / Fred Wesley & The J.B.'s. - Control (People go where we send you, part 1) / The First Family. - Cross the track (We better go back) / Maceo and The Macks. - All aboard the soul funky train. - (It's not the express) It's The J.B.'s monaurail. - Future shock (Dance your pants off) / Maceo. - Everybody wanna get funky one more time / James Brown & The J.B.'s.

Sujet(s)Funk (musique)

Indice(s)2.94 ; 2.93 ; 1.82

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