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Live at The Fillmore, february 1969

Auteur(s)The Byrds ;White, Clarence (Guitare électrique) ;York, John (Guitare basse) ;Parsons, Gene (Batterie) ;McGuinn, Roger [Jim] (Auteur d'un dialogue)

Titre(s)Live at The Fillmore, february 1969 / The Byrds.

Editeur(s)Sony Music, 1969.

ContientNashville west. - You're still on my mind. - Pretty boy floyd. - Drug store truck drivin' man. - Medley : Turn ! Turn ! Turn ! (To everything there is a season) / Mr Tambourine Man / Eight miles high. - Close up the honky tonks. - Buckaroo. - The christian life. - Time between. - King apathy III. - Bad night at the Whiskey. - This wheel's on fire. - Sing me back home. - So you want to be a rock'n'roll star. - He was a friend of mine. - Chimes of freedom.


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