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Get up, stand up ! : Jamaican protest songs

Auteur(s)Luciano ;Reid, Junior ;Hammond, Beres ;Tosh, Peter ;McGregor, Freddie ;Black Uhuru ;Bushman ;Tenor Saw ;Yvad ;Third World ;Brown, Dennis ;Marley, Bob ;Don Carlos ;Mundell, Hugh ;Israel Vibration ;Wilson, Delroy ;Half Pint ;Steel Pulse

Titre(s)Get up, stand up ! : Jamaican protest songs / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., 2005.

ContientEve of destruction / Luciano. - One blood / Reid Junior. - Putting the resistance / Hammond Beres. - Get up, stand up / Tosh Peter. - For what it's worth / McGregor Freddy. - Solidarity / Black Uhuru. - Working class hero / Bushman. - Ring the alarm / Saw Tenor. - The universal soldier / Yvad. - 1865 (96l in the shade) / Third World. - Revolution / Brown Dennis. - Soul rebel / Marley Bob / The Wailers. - Blowin' in the wind / Don Carlos. - Africa must be free by 1983 / Mundell Hugh. - The same song / Israel Vibration. - Better must come / Wilson Delroy. - Greetings / Half Pint. - No more weapons / Steel Pulse.

Sujet(s)Reggae (musique)


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