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Ghost dog, la voie du samouraï [= Ghost dog, the way of the Samuraï]

Auteur(s)Sunz Of Man ;12 O'Clock ;Blue Raspberry ;North Star ;The RZA (Compositeur) (Interprète) ;Black Knights ;Kool G Rap ;Suga Bang Bang ;Tekitha ;Masta Killa ;Superb ;Royal Fam ;La The Darkman ;Melodie ;Jeru & Afu Ra ;Wu-Tang Clan ;Jarmusch, Jim

Titre(s)Ghost dog, la voie du samouraï [= Ghost dog, the way of the Samuraï] / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Sony Music, 2000.

ContientSamuraï code quote. - Strange eyes / Sunz Of Man / 12 O'Clock / Blue Raspberry. - 4 Sho Sho / North Star / The RZA. - Zip code / Black Knights. - Samuraï code quote. - Cakes / Kool G Rap / The RZA. - Samuraï code quote. - Don't test / Wu Stallion / Suga Bang Bang. - Walking through the darkness / Tekitha. - The man / Masta Killah / Superb. - Samuraï code quote. - Walk the dogs / Royal Fam / La The Darkman. - Stay with me / Melodie / 12 O'Clock. - East New York stamp / Jeru & Afu Ra. - Samuraï code quote. - Fast shadow / Wu-Tang Clan. - Samuraï code quote. - Samuraï showdown / The RZA. - Samuraï code quote.

Sujet(s)Rap (musique)

Indice(s)520 ; 2.91

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CDEn rayonMGA5007115520 GHO


Source : Wikipédia
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