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Original 1938-39 recordings, vol.2

Auteur(s)Gaillard, Slim (Guitare) ;Stewart, Slam (Contrebasse) ;Killian, Al (Trompette) ;Newman, Cyril (Trompette) ;Flintall, Herman (Saxophones) ;Hollon, Kenneth (Saxophones) ;Allen, Sam (Pianos) ;Morgan, Loumell (Pianos) ;Smith, William (Contrebasse) ;Dobson, Pompey "Guts" (Batterie) ;Pettaway, Hubert (Batterie) ;Slim and Slam

Titre(s)Original 1938-39 recordings, vol.2 / Slim & Slam.

Editeur(s)Ancha Trading, 1989.

ContientDopey Joe. - Sweet Safronia. - It's gettin' kinda chilly. - Buck dance rhythm. - I got rhythm. - The lady's in love with you. - Tutti frutti. - Caprice pagannini. - That's a bringer. - Well-a-take-um-a-Joe. - Chicken rhythm. - Swingin' in the key of C. - Boot-ta-la-za. - It's you, only you. - Beatin' the board. - Look out. - Matzoh balls. - Early in the morning. - Chitlin' switch blues. - Huh! Uh-Huh!.

Sujet(s)Jazz classique


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CDEn rayonMGA50017031 GAI 30


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