

  M É D I A G E R S


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BBC sessions 1964 - 1977

Auteur(s)The Kinks ;Davies, Ray (Accordeons) (Claviers) ;Davies, Dave (Guitare électrique) ;Avory, Mick (Batterie) ;Gosling, John (Claviers) ;Dalton, John (Guitare basse) ;Quaife, Pete (Guitare basse)

Titre(s)BBC sessions 1964 - 1977 / The Kinks.

Editeur(s)Sanctuary Records Group Ltd., 2001.

ContientCD 1 : Interview. - You really got me. - Interview. - Cadillac. - All day and all of the night. - Tired of waiting for you. - Everybody's gonna be happy. - See my friend. - This strange effect. - Milk cow blues. - Wonder where my baby is tonight. - Till the end of the day. - Where have all the good times gone ?. - Death of a clown. - Love me 'til the sun shines. - Harry rag. - Good luck charm. - Waterloo sunset. - Monica. - Days. - The Village Green Preservation Society. - CD 2 : Mindless child of motherhood. - Holiday. - Demolition. - Victoria. - Here comes yet another day. - Money talks. - Mirror of love. - Celluloid heroes. - Skin and bone / Dry bones. - Get back in line. - Did you see his name. - When I turn off the living room lights. - Skin and bone. - Money talks.

Sujet(s)Pop (musique)


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