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The Complete Lionel Hampton 1939 vol.3 et vol.4

Auteur(s)Hampton, Lionel (Donneur de grades) ;Randolph, Irving (Trompette) ;Elman, Ziggy (Trompette) ;Stewart, Rex (Cornet Bugle) ;Gillespie, Dizzy (Trompette) ;Allen, Henry "Red" (Trompette) ;Carter, Benny (Trompette) ;Brown, Lawrence (Trombone) ;Higginbotham, J.C (Trombone) ;Hall, Edmond (Clarinette) ;Procope, Russell (Saxophones) ;Bostic, Earl (Saxophones) ;Webster, Ben (Saxophones) ;Berry, Chu (Saxophones) ;Hawkins, Coleman (Saxophones) ;Carney, Harry (Saxophones) ;Christian, Charlie (Guitare électrique) ;Reuss, Allan (Guitare) ;Green, Freddie (Guitare) ;Casey, Albert (Guitare) ;Hart, Clyde (Pianos) ;Hinton, Milt (Contrebasse) ;Cole, Cozy (Batterie) ;Catlett, Sidney (Batterie) ;Singleton, Zutty (Batterie)

Titre(s)The Complete Lionel Hampton 1939 vol.3 et vol.4 / Hampton Lionel.

Editeur(s)BMG Records, 1994.

ContientIt don t mean a thing. - Denison swing. - Ain t cha comin home. - Twelfth steet rag. - One sweet letter from you. - Hot mallets. - When lights are low. - High society. - Johnny get your horn and blow. - Sweethearts on parade. - Wizzin the wizz. - Big wiz in the wigwam. - Memories of you. - The Jumpin jive. - I m on my way from you. - Haven t named it yet. - The Munson street breakdown. - I ve found a new baby. - I can t get started. - Four or five times. - Gin for christmas. - Dinah. - Dinah. - My buddy. - I can t give you love. - Shufflin at the hollywood part. - Shufflin at the hollywood part. - If it s good. - Stand by for further annouceme. - When lights are low. - Early session hop. - The Heebie jeebies are rockin. - The Heebie jeebies are rockin.

Sujet(s)Jazz classique


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