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Born this way

Auteur(s)Lady Gaga (1986-...) (Chanteur) ;Dj White Shadow (Artiste de spectacle) ;Jost & Naaf (Musicien)

Titre(s)Born this way / Lady Gaga, chant ; Jost & Naaf, remix ; Dj White Shadow, remix.

Editeur(s)Europe : UMG recordings ; France : distrib. Universal division Polydor, P 2011.

ContientMarry the night. - Born this way. - Government Hooker. - Judas. - Americano. - Hair. - Scheiûe. - Bloody Mary. - Bad kids. - Highway unicorn road to love. - Heavy metal lover. - Electric chapel. - YoÈu and I. - ˆThe ‰edge of glory. - Born this way. - Judas. - Marry the night (4 min 20 s). - Scheiûe (9 min 35 s). - Fashion of his love (3 min 45 s). - Born this way (5 min 58 s).

NotesProd. : Interscope record, P 2011.

Sujet(s)Rock, pop Rock


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CDEn rayonFLEURANCE0111950132Musique2 LAD


Source : Wikipédia
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