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The Beatles - classical beatles

Auteur(s)Beatles (The)

Titre(s)The Beatles - classical beatles / The Beatles.

Editeur(s)Decca, 2012.

ContientMichelle. - Fool on the hill. - Eleanor rigby. - Here comes the sun. - Can't buy my love. - Norvegian wood (this bird has flown). - I want to hold your hand. - Yesterday. - Day tripper. - Yellow submarine. - Girl. - Hey jude. - And i love her. - The long and winding road. - Across the universe. - Help !. - From yesterday to penny lane : 1. - From yesterday to penny lane : 2. - From yesterday to penny lane : 3. - From yesterday to penny lane : 4. - From yesterday to penny lane : 5. - From yesterday to penny lane : 6. - From yesterday to penny lane : 7. - The beatles concerto : 1. - The beatles concerto : 2. - The beatles concerto : 3. - Yesterday. - Hey jude. - Michelle. - Ticket to ride. - The fool on the hill. - Something. - Beatlecracker suite (in the style of tchaïkovsky) : 1. - Beatlecracker suite (in the style of tchaïkovsky) : 2. - Beatlecracker suite (in the style of tchaïkovsky) : 3. - Beatlecracker suite (in the style of tchaïkovsky) : 4. - Beatlecracker suite (in the style of tchaïkovsky) : 5. - Beatlecracker suite (in the style of tchaïkovsky) : 6. - Beatlecracker suite (in the style of tchaïkovsky) : 7. - Beatlecracker suite (in the style of tchaïkovsky) : 8. - Got to get you into my life. - Norwegian wood (this bird has flown). - Get back. - A hard day's night. - Let it be.

Sujet(s)Musique classique


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CDEn rayonEAUZE00119000135598Musique2.1 BEA


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