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Best of

Auteur(s)Hancock, Herbie (1940-...)

Titre(s)Best of / Herbie Hancock.

Editeur(s)[s.l.] : Emi france, 2009.

ContientWatermelon man. - Three bags full. - Driftin'. - Blind man, blind man. - King cobra. - The pleasure is mine. - A tribute to someone. - Jack rabbit. - One finger snap. - Cantaloupe island. - Oliloqui valley. - The egg. - Maiden voyage. - Dolphin dance. - The eye of hurricane. - The sorcerer. - Riot. - The prisoner. - Requiem (with donald byrd). - Ceora (with lee morgan). - Cantaloup island. - Theme from 'blow up' (with bobby hutcherson). - Yams (with jackie mclean). - Three wishes (with donald byrd). - The collector (with wayne shorter). - Never said (with dianne reeves). - Seven teens (with lionel loueke).



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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonEAUZE00119000135960Musique1.3 HAN


Source : Wikipédia
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